5 Powerful Tips for Coping with Divorce

It’s inevitable that in life, we are faced with emotionally trying times. Developing strategies for coping with divorce and with life’s stresses is a crucial key to living a freer, happier and healthier life.

1. Take The Wheel

In any difficult time, it becomes very easy to allow negative ‘doom and gloom’ thoughts to steer your mind and completely take over.

T. Harv Eker’s famed quote, “that which we focus on, expands” rings exceptionally true, and it is for this reason, that taking the wheel on the highway of our mind is critical.

When you notice your mind starting to wander towards the familiar thoughts of worry and pain, consciously choose to redirect your mind in a positive direction.

Try doing a Google search for quotes about hope, spend some time on the Inspirational section on Pinterest, or turn the pages of an uplifting book in the Self-Help section of your local bookstore.

Write down the ones you find most helpful and meaningful, and post them where you can reflect on them often such as on your bathroom mirror.

Make these words your mantra and repeat them to yourself each time you feel yourself beginning down the painful path in your mind.

2. Table For… 2?

Dealing with a major life event doesn’t have to be a one-man or one-woman show.

Trained professionals that bring years of experience to the table may be able to provide some insight into your situation that could make you feel much better. They may provide you with specific techniques or exercises to help deal with your emotions and at the very least, will be there to listen.

If you visit a professional counsellor and find you may not be clicking with them, don’t give up. Instead, try someone different. Psychologists are individuals, just like us, and each of the bring unique perspectives to the table.

3. Let’s Get Physical

Have you ever noticed how when you’ve got an empty schedule, it’s easy to start feeling overwhelmed?

Exercise has many benefits that can help you control your mood during a difficult divorce.

Spending time exercising releases endorphins which improve mood and lead to a feeling of satisfaction, provides social interaction and helps you look and feel better, too!

Try something new like a spin class at a local studio or a local running group.

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4. Tune In

With the change in broadcasting’s landscape, there are many fantastic podcasts available to be streamed free of charge.

Use an app like Stitcher or the podcast app that is already installed on most smartphones to search for podcasts on topics like overcoming stress and finding hope.

5. List It

Inherent of divorce is a long list of things to do as you begin to create a new life without your spouse.

Switching over utilities, filing a change of address with the post office… these things need to get done even though you may still be grieving.

Write out a list for yourself and as you complete each one, spend some time dong something you really enjoy, like a long bath or dinner with a friend.

Coping with divorce is challenging.

It is not uncommon to feel sadness, grief, despair, pain or anger and learning how to deal with these emotions will ease the difficulty.

If you or someone you know is dealing with divorce, our compassionate and experienced team is here to help – contact us today or learn more about the areas of Family Law we may be able to help you with.

Looking For More?

5 Reasons To Choose Mediation Over Divorce Court

3 Surprising Benefits of Mediation During a Divorce of Separation

5 Incredibly Useful Questions To Ask A Divorce Lawyer During a Consultation

Picture of Brian McGlashan
Brian McGlashan
Brian McGlashan, co-founder of McGlashan & Company was called to the Alberta Bar in 1995. Brian has appeared in all levels of Alberta Courts. Brian practices criminal law with a primary focus on Impaired Driving charges (DUI). Brian is a member of the Criminal Trial Lawyers’ Association.

McGlashan & Company is an Edmonton Criminal Law Firm located just south of Edmonton’s historic Whyte Avenue.

Brian McGlashan has been defending DUI/Impaired Driving charges in Edmonton for over 20+ years.